Comics On Country will be official guests at OzComic-Con Perth, 1-2 April 2023!
We’ll be hosting some outstanding First Nations creators, including Brenton E McKenna, Scott Wilson, and Stick Mob‘s Declan Miller, Seraphina Newberry and Alyssa Mason!

Writer/creator Scott Wilson will be representing the Indigiverse and signing copies of the newly released Dark Heart #2!
Declan Miller will be launching advance copies of his new book, Mixed Feelings Book 2.
Brenton McKenna will have copies of his newly released book, Hairy Holes, published by Magabala Books. Brenton will also be staging a workshop in The District at 1pm on Saturday 1st April called How To Draw A Hairy Hole: Design Your Own Cryptid!

You’ll also find all of these creators on the main stage on Sunday 2nd April at 10:15am with the panel discussion Using Comics to tell First Nation Stories!